Who: Venue Coordinator
For information about adding and editing venues, see Venue Coordinator.
Venue Conflicts
Whenever a schedule is created or a game is added or edited, the scheduling engine automatically checks for any venue conflicts. A message will be displayed warning that there is a venue conflict, and direct you to the View Venue Usage or View Official Assignments page to find the conflict. The message is just a warning -- the game is entered and the venue assigned. A green "VENUE CONFLICT" will appear by the game on the schedule if there is a venue conflict. The "VENUE CONFLICT" note is put in the game comments field -- so it can be reworded or removed if desired (See Edit Game to edit a game).
Each venue in a venue complex needs to be entered separately to avoid venue conflicts, e.g., King South, King North, etc. Also, if a venue is sometime split into two or more smaller venues, each of the smaller venues needs to be entered as well, and identified as a "sub-venue" of it's &quo;parent venue, so that venue conflicts can be identified between games scheduled on them at the same time.
If games are scheduled too tightly, then "VENUE CONFLICT" messages will occur. For example, league games scheduled for U-19 at 90 minute intervals will generate warnings, since the default interval for U-19 is 120 minutes. Either the games need to be scheduled at 120 minute intervals or the default interval shortened. See Definitions for an explanation of game intervals.