Who: League Admin
From User Home Page go to Manage League then Modify League Settings.
By default this option is turned OFF. Turning this ON (checking the option) gives teams the ability to specify dates and times when they are unable to play. See below for a description of how this feature works. If enabled, the Scheduler will honor these requests when assigning dates and times to games. See the Rec or Traveling Scheduler section on Team Blackouts for a description of how that is done.
Who: Coach/Team Official
From User Home Page go to Edit Team then click on Team Blackouts at the top of the page. Note: this option will not be available if your league has not chosen to allow it.
The Edit Team Blackouts page allows you to specify times the team is not available for play. If your team is playing in more than one league that is a client of ours, you will be able to specify different blackout periods for the different leagues that allow blackout periods. In this case, be sure to select the season of the desired league when specifying a blackout period. You can also select "all" under seasons if the blakcout period applies to all of them. Note: if you are playing in more than one league and one of them does not allow team blackouts, the schedules created by that league will not honor the blackout periods entered. In this case you will see a warning message at the top of the page.
You specify periods either on a specific date, or on a specific day of the week. You do this in the Add Blackout Period form by either selecting "By Date" and entering a date or selecting "By Day" and the choosing a day of the week. In either case you then enter start and end times and click on "Save Period".
When you do this, the blackout period(s) will be displayed. If you chose a date, a single period will be created. If you chose a day, a period will be created for each date that falls on that day during the active season (or seasons, if you have specified more than one). Once you have created blackout periods, you can choose to modify them or delete them from the list.