The following individuals can report game results:
Match Secretary - go to the division schedule and go to Edit Game next to the game on the schedule to report results. Go to Report Game Results near the top of the page.
League Administrator - Same as Match Secretary
Division Match Secretary - Same as Match Secretary for games in the assigned divisions.
Results Secretary - Go to the division schedule and go to Report Game Results next to the game on the schedule to report results.
Official 1 - Go to Games I Officiated and click on .
Note about forfeits: If you click "Loses by Forfeit" when reporting game results, the default number of goals awarded to the winning team is automatically entered (the League Administrator sets the default on the Edit League page). Overriding the default will NOT change the score reported on the schedule page. Note also that the ability for team contacts and officials to report forfeits is a league option - see "Forfeit Reporting" for information.