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Exporting Schedules/Official Assignments

There are several ways you can export data on scheduled games, with differnt imformation included. uses a tab-delimited format for most data export functions. The resulting pages can be saved from your browser file menu and then opened in Excel or other spreadsheet software.

To export games, you can:

  1. For games with official assignments, go to All Official Assignments. If your role does not display that link on your home page, go to View Your League, and click on Official Assignments next to the Season Name. Define the date range, and if you want the schedule for all the dates listed, click on All Dates Below. WARNING: If you have a large league, it might take awhile to generate the full schedule. Once the schedule is generated, click on Export Assignments Table.

  2. For games organized by venue, go to View Venue Usage. If your role does not display that link on your home page, go to View Your League, and click on Venue Usage next to the Season Name. Then click on Export Venue Usage at the top of the page.

  3. For games with or without official assignments, and with a little more information about each game organized one game to a line, League Administrators can go to Seasons. On the Seasons page, for each season displayed, there are both and buttons. The latter behaves like (2) just above; the former gives you the export described here, and with the option to select all games for the season, or just games in specific competitions and/or in a specific date range within the season.

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